Monday, October 8, 2012

The Glass Menagerie 4

"The Glass Menagerie"
Tennessee Williams

I also want to focus on the title of the play because it is so important to the plot and stands as a symbol for Laura's life and characterization.  The glass menagerie symbolizes the fragility of Laura and the manner in which everyone treats her, like a "cripple."  The glass also symbolizes her hard exterior which could shatter like glass if she were ever hurt or offended.  Specifically, the unicorn symbolizes the difference between society and her.  The breaking of the unicorn's horn off represents Jim's dissolving the negative views Laura has of herself.  The unicorn becomes a regular horse, as Laura begins to see herself as a regular member of society.  Her reaction to this break is not as harsh as when Tom broke one of the pieces because she and Jim had been dancing not walking around drunkenly, as Tom had been.  I think she gave Jim the glass figure as a souvenir because he had changed her, and maybe she still had feelings for him and wanted him to have something to remember her by.  I predict a bright future for Laura because she has gained the confidence necessary for success from Jim, and she can view her situation in a more positive light.  The play concludes with Laura blowing out candles on set, while Tom feels guilty for leaving her and Amanda.  I think that her blowing out the candles symbolizes Tom's letting go of the regrets and guilt.  "Blow out  your candles, Laura--and so goodbye..." (Williams, page 1289).

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