Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Great Gatsby Chapter 6

The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald

This is just going to be a random post with odds and ends from chapter 6 because I really didn't find something big that I wanted to blog about.
      Before chapter 6, I was really confused as to what the point was of The Great Gatsby.  I was also really confused about the reporter, but I guess it just had to do with some of his illegal activities or something else we're not really privy to.  I think that should be more in focus in the book because the audience does not really understand his whole story, which I suppose is one of Fitzgerald's key means of describing the mystery of the great Gatsby.  I was also really confused with the pool thing.  What did running that woman's head under cold water have to do with anything? Relevancy, please?
      Also really random--I loved the part about St. Olaf College because I had never heard of it until I got mail from there last year.
      I thought the little meeting with Tom was really weird and didn't fully understand its meaning and purpose, but I did like how Gatsby talked about Daisy, even though Tom didn't fully "get it" yet.
      It was really funny when everyone started calling Tom "the polo player" (Fitzgerald, page 105).  I was actually laughing out loud when I read that part, considering how much I hate Tom Buchanan.  I also loved the description of Jay's dancing the fox-trot, which shows how much he actually learned on his way to success in society.

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