Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Well, I definitely liked this novel more than The House of Mirth!  However, there were still some parts that I didn't appreciate.  I think that Fitzgerald was, just like Wharton, all over the place at times, with the narrations and especially the dialogue.  This jumpiness contributed greatly to my misunderstanding and confusion at times, but certain scenes seem to fall into place a little after reading further.
      On Fitzgerald's style, I would definitely say that I love it!  His diction was often-times very beautiful and thoughtful, and even funny when the scene called for it.  Some of my favorite lines in the book were funny comments Nick made of society or people he met.  He called a few men "Mr. Mumblers" and another, "Owl Eyes" (Fitzgerald, page 54).  I also loved the way Nick viewed the world, often with humor.
      I really like Jay Gatsby, even though I still don't understand exactly what illegal businesses he was involved with and his relationship with Daisy Buchanan.  I've said it a hundred times, but I hate Tom because of his view of women and the pompous manner in which he brings science into every situation and conversation.  I like both prominent women, Daisy and Jordan, because of their forward manners and lightness they bring to the story.
      After reading The Great Gatsby, I really want to watch the up-coming film with Leo DiCaprio and maybe read some of Fitzgerald's other works.  [I did pick up Summer, another Wharton piece, from the library last week.]  Although I was not pleased with the ending of this novel, Fitzgerald's beautiful diction entices me to read some of his other classic pieces.  This year, I have decided to read one novel, not involved with school, once a week from my loooong reading list, which I will, unfortunately, never finish in my lifetime, but at least it's a start.

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