Thursday, November 15, 2012

Frankenstein 4

Mary Shelley

I'm sure everyone immediately thought of Harry Potter when we started reading, so I found this clip of Hermione talking about the Elixir of Life.  And I'll go out even further and explain a connection between Victor Frankenstein and Victor Krum--no just kidding--Voldemort.  Both men are quite frankly, obsessed with defying death and acquiring the power to do so.  While Voldemort is evil and terrifying and will kill mercilessly to get what he wants, Frankenstein has different motives--he wants to rid the world of diseases and defeat death in order to end mourning.  One could also argue that both men are products of their early childhood environments because they both had tragedies befall their families.  Both Frankenstein and Voldemort had family members pass away during their childhoods, yet one maintained a relatively happy situation, while the other was sent to an orphanage.  [And I don't pity Voldemort or am a Death Eater or anything--I just wanted to state some common qualities.]  Another similarity is their success in defying death.  However, ever-selfish Voldemort made others bring him back to life, while Frankenstein wanted to do good and help the world, so he "infused[ing] life into an inanimate body" (Shelley, page 35).  Another major difference between them is their ability, or inability, to love others.  Obviously, Voldemort is unable to love anyone as much as he loves himself and his desire to possess the power of the world.  Frankenstein loves his sister very much and partially wants to conquer death to protect her from further mourning.

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