Thursday, November 29, 2012

Frankenstein 9

Mary Shelley

I got excited when the creature asked Victor for a mate because it would be so interesting!  Then I remembered that we only read tragedies in AP Lit and knew that Victor would not go through with it.  Of course, he had to destroy the woman and break the creature's heart.  That was my last hope for his happiness, and it was destroyed as his mate was.  If Victor had made her, then the creature, I believe, would  have left society and really followed through with his word.  Once again--all Victor's fault...  However, his reasons for not making her are legitimate because she possibly could have destroyed "the whole human race," (Shelley, page 121).  Victor also thought that they could create "a race of devils," (Shelley, page 121) if left to their own devices.  That completely begs the question-- do they have the reproductive organs necessary for that?  Well, I shouldn't read into that too much because it is science fiction.  I think that's why I don't particularly like this novel--nothing's very realistic...

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