Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Delight in Disorder

Delight in Disorder
Robert Herrick

The first question in the book asks for definitions of two words used in the poem.  Wantonness usually means a lack of restraint or control, and stomacher, according to, is some sort of stiff cloth.  I did not really understand the poem at first, but I think I have a better understanding after reviewing it several times.  The diction in this poem is really beautiful and although I misread several parts, it is still enjoyable and pleasant for the reader.  Love is probably the main theme in the poem, and Herrick meant that the non-peaceful love is more exciting and interesting than normal love.  The second question in the book involves oxymorons--my all-time favorite literary device.  The phrase "wild civility" (Herrick, page 980) is an oxymoron that really emphasizes the feelings of love in this poem.  He thinks that that bewitches him more than the preciseness of other feelings.  By using contrasting words together, Herrick better explains love.
      The image of clothes is prevalent in the short poem, and I like that it better symbolizes love.  Perhaps, he's implying that love is all around and surrounds us as clothing does.

Couldn't resist......Love Actually

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