Sunday, January 27, 2013

You're Ugly, Too

"You're Ugly, Too"
Lorrie Moore

This story was just super annoying and I do not like Zoe at all.  All of her little jabs and jokes were not funny and she just came off as a bored, weird, old lady, even though she is not really that old.
The plot in this story is almost non-existent, as the story relies on the characterization of the main character, Zoe.  From the very beginning, she is characterized as "almost pretty" (Moore, page 353) and "sarcastic" (Moore, page 353). Throughout the piece, Zoe cuts at everyone and insultingly jokes with them--I think she just tries to entertain herself.  That is pretty evident as she didn't entertain me, or anyone with whom she was speaking and/or making fun of.  I guess that's understandable as she was a single, middle-aged woman who just doesn't quite have her life figured out yet.  That did evoke pity because her younger sister was happy with her boyfriend/fiance, while she wasn't even close herself.
Another main aspect of the story is the italicized sentences thrown in throughout the piece that suggest quotes from students or others.  She often remembers one then goes on to defend herself because they are often critical of her work or something of her personal life.  While entertaining for the reader, these statements also further characterized Zoe and her "achievements" in life.

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