Wednesday, February 6, 2013


William Shakespeare

The characterization is very important to the play and its overall meaning because the characters are so interesting, especially Iago.
Iago is interestingly the main character in the work, but he is also the antagonist which does not happen in many plays.  Normally, we are privy to the thoughts, feelings, and motives behind the protagonist, so that makes this play more interesting and unique.  Iago claims he is "honest"(Shakespeare, like every other line...), but the audience knows the truth because we hear his thoughts and motives.  He acts as though he is loyal to Othello and Roderigo, but we know that he has his own selfish reasons in mind.  One of my favorite parts is when he claims he does not know for sure if Emilia has been cheating on him, and then he claims that he will act as if it's true.  That cracked me up, but it was really not good because it will probably cause someone's death in the future.
Othello, the protagonist, is portrayed as similar to Iago, but we know that only one of them is genuine.  Othello is valiant, confident, and calm/rational, as we've seen from his accomplishments in battle and his dealings with others.  I also love his love story with Des because it further proves his genuine motives and confident manner.

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